Amundi announces the expansion of its Climate ETF range





London, 9 July 2020 – Amundi, Europe’s largest asset manager1, today announces the expansion of its responsible offering with the launch of three new ETFs tracking future EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PAB), designed to support the achievement of the objectives of the Paris Agreement by limiting global warming below 2°C above preindustrial levels. The new ETFs are competitively priced, starting at 0.18% OGC2.

Responsible investment is one of Amundi’s founding pillars since its creation in 2010. In 2018, as part of a three-year action plan, Amundi strengthened its commitment to align its fiduciary and social responsibilities and to meeting its clients’ ESG expectations. Further, as a long-term advocate for sustainable investing, and a pioneer in low carbon index investing since 2014, Amundi recognises the vital role of the investment industry in delivering the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement.

It is in this context that Amundi announces the expansion of its climate range of ETFs with three Paris-Aligned funds (future EU PAB label) offering index investors a new solution in climate positive investments: 

► Amundi Euro iSTOXX Climate Paris Aligned PAB UCITS ETF

► Amundi MSCI Europe Climate Paris Aligned PAB UCITS ETF

► Amundi MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned PAB UCITS ETF3 

This new family of Paris-Aligned ETFs is intended to meet the needs of investors seeking to respond quickly to the climate emergency. This family of funds incorporates a 50% carbon intensity reduction along with additional activity exclusions.  It is fully complementary with the existing Amundi climate change ETFs, which are expected to meet the criteria of the EU Climate Transition Benchmark (CTB) label and designed for those investors wishing to transition to a low carbon economy while maintaining broad market exposure.
Amundi ETF’s responsible investment range has been developed to make sustainable investing accessible to investors whatever their ESG integration requirements and accepted tracking error compared to the parent benchmarks.

The creation of the new Climate benchmarks by the European Union supports our long-held belief that index management has a critical role to play in accelerating adoption of responsible investing and the delivery of climate objectives; putting the power in index investors’ hands. We believe in offering investors simple and ready-to-use tools that will help them implement their ESG and climate strategy depending on their objectives and constraints.  Expanding our toolbox with cost-effective, climate-positive ETFs provides investors with additional opportunities to translate their goals and beliefs into investment strategy.

Fannie Wurtz

Head of Amundi ETF, Indexing and Smart Beta

Amundi Climate ETF Range
These ETFs are listed on EURONEXT Paris and registered in various European countries.

Amundi announces the expansion of its Climate ETF range table

1 Source: IPE “Top 500 asset managers” published in June 2020, based on assets under management as at 31/12/2019
2 Ongoing charges (OGC) - annual, all taxes included. The ongoing charges represent the charges taken from the fund over a year. Until the fund has closed its accounts for the first time, the ongoing charges are estimated. Transaction cost and commissions may occur when trading ETFs.
3,4 Listing in September